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2023 03 17 Why I Watch Ya Background Vfx Instrumental Concept in preperation for Audio Video Free-Style Vocals

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:06 pm
by ukjsm

this was a free-style jam i did a while back now in between some studio work, and eventually made a small cheezy animated cgi'd girl on a bike song video done out into social media and thought nothing more of it...

fast forward to two days ago, when i decided to capture little old me bobbing my head, and then importing the video into Davinci Resolve to do some work, and to my great surprise the result was truly worth while and well worth doing...

so much so, i have now decided to sing free-style the lyrice on video and audio, so it caall be mixed down into DR to make the final finished product...

only been using davinci resolve for about 2 weeks now, and thoroughly satisfied with the results. tried others, but they just didnt sit well with me. i was trying to hard to achieve very little. DR changed that...

It wasnt till me and emma noticed when i pointed to me, made the love heart, then pointed to her, we realised the video was going backward, and that with the Vfx and half normal speed gave it the neccesary energy to go along with the audio...


... Why I Watch Ya ...

Common Sovereign Laws Apply

next step, ukjsm singing live, video middle n low with the singer superimposed on top, and something else top middle...

God Bless You and all your family, and all your loved ones... till next time... jsm...

