2022 10 09 Numark Blue Dog DM900 Mixer Gets a MoD

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2022 10 09 Numark Blue Dog DM900 Mixer Gets a MoD

Post by ukjsm »


back in the days when i was well known for my scratchin (no flea jokes plz) i was also known for the weird and wonderfull gadgets i would make out of electronics and use in a public performance situation. one of them was my scratching switch on a 1metre lead and you would hold the switch in your hand...

as you can see in the pic i have used a std midi socket and wired the pre-amp audio to the pins for both channels. so middle pin is common ground for the pre-amp signal (not the chassis earth) and then each left and right accordingly...


now in the early days when i did this to my tandy realistic £100 mixer, cross faders were not as common, and like the sl1200, i simply could not afford because i was on YTS (youth training scheme) for 3 years getting my electrical electronic hnc. do you all remember the measly £45 a week. i had that for three years when my mates were all on production lines, earning three times that, and i still occasionally had to lend them a fiver LOL hahahahah...

must tell you all about the lighting control rig i built using 30amp solid state relays, with 12 plug sockets ready for you to just plug your disco lights in or whatever. you should have seen the hills light n sound reps face when he turned up with rig for the 91 and 92 rave tents. his exact words were...

''youre going to switch the lights with that commodore 64 and THAT THING''
hahahahahahah hahahah hahahahahh...

must tell you about the multiple visits to evesham micros, and the first thing i hear is, hi stu come in for another solid state io chip for the commodore 64 at £25 a time. i bought a fair few of them. and if the commodore wasnt triggering lasers and lights in a rave tent,,,,,,,wait for it,,,,,,,,

it was triggering a casio sk5s touch pads, using a commodore 64 and my own basic programme i made to send outputs to the io chip, then driving a circuit to trigger the pads on the sk5. so i was inventing midi when it was allready available, allbe it bloody expensive...

oh, oh, sorry, the mixer...

so this time, because all mixers have cross faders as standard, all i had to do was come off the 5 solder points to the ribbon feeding the cross fader, and bearing in mind my cross fader just grounded the pre-amp signal of the turntable you didnt want to hear. this made my job very easy. so i just switched the signal to the ground using a normally closed switch, so when you plug the lead in the sound then dissappears, but when you click the button you hear sound...


mark always said to me, i used to build things out of led's, and why is it everytime you buy something, you then go and open it up and MODIFY IT LOL...

WHY WHY WHY jsm...

i always knew i wanted a quicker sharper sound switching on the scratchin for recording and making demos on the tascam porta one 4 track recorder mark and i bought together (still good m8s today), so i just went about trying things out. has to be said when i tried it on the numark after i had finished the mod, even i was surprised at how effective and clear it was.

i always knew i wanted a quicker sharper sound switching on the scratchin for recording and making demos on the tascam porta one 4 track recorder mark and i bought together (still good m8s today), so i just went about trying things out. has to be said when i tried it on the numark after i had finished the mod, even i was surprised at how effective and clear it was.

i will eventually make a video solely for the mod and why i did this with some audio examples for you to get an idea of what i am trying to say...

May God Guide You, May God Bless You, May God Protect You...
love light learn live, but dont forget to live...