2022 10 08 No Space Left on the Table

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2022 10 08 No Space Left on the Table

Post by ukjsm »


well, after getting the akai s3000i back into the studio and hard wired in, i realised that having it on top of the table was NOT going to work. so to get things moving forward, i built a small trolley table to slide under the main table, and custom made it for the spare semi working yamaha pro 1, as well as the akai s3000i sampler...


before with no desk space i just couldnt cope with not having my whole tabletop any more, so obviously something had to be done...

as much as i love using the spare yamaha pro 1 solely for the akai s3000i audio outputs, it has to be said i dont use the 3000 as often as the akai s6000 so the ability to put these two away from time to time would be very practical to me...


so stuck the spare yamaha pro mixer and the s3000 into its own little frame that can be wheeled under the table when not in use...

giving me the instant ability to plug it all up and in to the mix, as well as switching it off indepentally when not in use...

works out quite well tbh, there is another way i would like to do all this, but not yet, not yet...


amazing what you can achieve with a couple bits scrap wood and some ceiling panels, as well as some quick simple wiring...

i have been doing this for over 20 years now, using the same leads, same power blocks, re-arranging to suit the current space i am working in...

actually thats part of the fun for me, trying to achieve what i want to achieve with the resources currently available to me...


May God Guide You, May God Bless You, May God Protect You...
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