2022 09 11 Needed a Break

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2022 09 11 Needed a Break

Post by ukjsm »


phew!!! there have been days when i simply cannot keep up with the brain and the ideas which keep pouring into it. then there was a moment when i was quite literally having to focus on what needs doing around the house because of all the noiz in my head. been a long long time since the music did that to me i can tell you...

but it has also been over 15 years since i loaded a midi file relating to a song or audio piece. its allready been 5 years since i made a drum loop. (emma reminds me of the drum loops i made while john was born and i still havent edited them for the website to this very day) funny isnt it. life gets in the way of life. tbh i have absolutely loved the lack of pressure i have not put on myself in a long long time regarding the recording studio...

that is about to change. and that is my sound solid intention. the studio is running BETTER than it ever has. its old, basic, functional, and the knobs and buttons actually work again now lol. but you know, its a perfect reflection of me, and i love it...

i have noticed how so much of my material is freestyle now, and leaning heavily in the spiritual direction. more and more, i become the medium where information is allowed to flow thru naturally and i simply press record! i also had that ability in the freestyle rappin in my hip hop days as well. thank god im not a good player when it comes to music as such. i simply wouldnt be able to keep up with the ideas. funnily enough had that with rhett so looong ago lol he basically said i could make a song out of nothing and he was right hahahahahah...

took a break from the studio today, from the remix i have started doing with and for another artist, that i have been primarily focused on for the past 2 weeks. it burnt me out a few times, and then i came back with another new idea. im definately at a stage now where ideas allready in place can be implemented and finalised, and my limmitations on what i can and cant achieve, have been reached. mainly due to equipment limmitations. does that mean i stop, hell no! thats when the best ideas manifest themselves into existence for me. after all imagine means 'i' 'mage' 'in' doesnt it!!! and something has happened to me during this recent process that most musicians out there would all take for granted every day they do it... and allbeit a profound and conscious moment of realisation to me personally, i think privately it will be kept for me for now...

so i decided to make a nice home made salad for me and emma. lol, john, hah!!! its nuggets and pizza for our hunny bunny. amazing how all our intellectual self indulged ideas and opinions on how to bring up a child go out the f**n door when those gorgeous little things we call our children decide to develop what you would call their own f**n 'opinion' lol...

so,,, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoe, spring onion, raddish, celery, carrots. baby boils and some boiled eggs with fish... hmmm... still wont beat a kebab with a beer on a late friday night tho eh! naaah, i always did like getting old, and i like being old. its just what i am. its just what i always was... god bless you all... i leave you with this last thought before i go to make ANOTHER cuppa (lol seriously i need another) and then one last post after this one...

'''life is a projected illusion of meditative thought from god'''

this is what my inner voice told me when i was listening to my latest freestyle jam i did yesterday in the recording studio, while in the kitchen trying to make a salad in between all the tears i could not hide nor hold back. i was on my own tho so it wasnt that bad... love is eternal, not for a day. and its the only thing you can take with you when you go back to where you came from... peace and blessings to you all. and only one more post to go... jsm...



May God Guide You, May God Bless You, May God Protect You...
love light learn live, but dont forget to live...